Web-Based Curriculum

In today’s century, web-based curriculum is considered the norm because it is used within classrooms across the globe.  Web-based curriculum is an undying and advancing form of technology that continues to be a resource and tool within a classroom setting.  Some resources that can be identified within classrooms across the globe are individual lesson plans and online lesson enhancements; however, higher grade levels implement the use of online courses and curriculum through web-based instruction.  Individual lesson plans are provided as a resource for teachers to integrate into their classroom whereas online lesson enhancements are used to enhance the overall knowledge of students during an individual lesson plan. However, a web-based curriculum does not stop there because web-based tools are then brought into play such as electronic (virtual) field trips, electronic publishing, and problem-based learning.  Virtual field trips are implemented into classrooms worldwide because virtual field trips allow for the advancement of knowledge within students by never leaving the classroom.  I believe that not every school has the funding to take students and teachers on physical field trips, so virtual field trips are the exception.  Another known web-based tool is electronic publishing.  Electronic publishing allows for students to express themselves through publishing their work on an electronic base that allows for the views of teachers, parents, and peers.  Overall, I love what web-based resources and tools offer within a classroom, so one can say I will be using several of these web-based resources and tools within my future classroom.

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